Featured Projects
By lichtempfindlich
On 26, Jan 2015 | In Corporate Films | By lichtempfindlich
Firmenstaffel Magdeburg – 2014
The Firmenstaffel combines the economic parts of the region and offers an amazing possibility to honor existing partnerships and create new networks. By now, the Firmenstaffel is an inherent part of the city of Magdeburg. For the first time, the event takes place in the Elbauenpark and offers an even bigger area for all participants.
„Running. Motivation. Networking.” is the motto of the Firmenstaffel Magdeburg.
With a new record is the Firmenstaffel Magdeburg the biggest Networking-Sportevent of the city. Already eight days after the beginning of the registration, the participant record was set. More than 800 teams were registered. Over 5.000 runner in the categories “women”, “men”, “mixed” and “sprint” will start in the Elbauenpark.
We created a short and concise corporate film as a sequel to the successful first film from 2011. You will get an impression of the area in form of graphics and images. Interviews give a clear understanding, how important the event is by itself.
Following companies have been interviewed for this film:
- Assmann – Beraten und Planen GmbH
- Handwerkskammer Magdeburg
- Strehlow GmbH
- Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt
- Dachser GmbH & Co. KG
- Öhmi Aktiengesellschaft
- Radmitte
- Fraunhofer Instistut
- Guericke FM OVGU
- Björn Pietsch – Audio
- Matthias Sasse – Management, Graphics
- Matthias Fritsche – Camera/Editor
- Peter Bräunig – Camera
- Parade of Lights – Music