Featured Projects
By lichtempfindlich
On 08, Aug 2011 | In Music Videos | By lichtempfindlich
Adolar “Ungelenk & Einstudiert”
DJs are out of date. They just play mainstream music and offer their audience no entertainment. Social criticism with the topic mainstream and music entertainment of the modern era.
„I am totally flashed … I think it’s perfect!“ (Tom Mischok, Sänger/Bassist)
Filmed in Juli 2011 in the Restaurant “Kanalstübchen” and surrounding areas.
In close collaboration with the label and the band and their idea for the video, lichtempfindlich | Filmproductions went on location scouting. Fitting the main statement of the song, an aged club house was chosen. Lighting was small to support the location. Grading took out come of the color.
- Maxi Kutschker
- Samantha Lüdtke
- Heidrun Schulz
- Silvio Schulz
- Thomas Heinze
- Begbie
- Familie Wiswede
- Familie Merk
- Frances Schrödl
- Matthias Fritsche – camera/editor